Small class size - no more than ten (10) children will be in a Preschool class session!
Preschool: The morning class starts at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 11:30 a.m. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The afternoon class and starts at 12:30 p.m. and ends at 3:00 pm. Â Note that For the Preschool program, the child must be three years of age before September 1 and fully toilet trained.
Prayer and short Bible verses will be encouraged.
Preschool Schedule
9:00-9:30 or 12:30-1:00 – Circle Time
This is where the day’s focus is established through stories, music, and other language media. It is a teacher directed activity in which the children participate as a group.
9:30-9:45 or 1:00-1:15 – MovementÂ
Children will participate in activities to strengthen gross motor skills.
9:45-10:00 or 1:15-1:30 – Snack
Children will eat wholesome snacks and enjoy casual conversation between children & teacher.
10:00-10:15 or 1:30-1:45 – Skill Lesson
This is where a skill will be taught by the teacher. The children will practice this skill via activities in the learning centers.
10:15-11:15 or 1:45-2:45 – Learning Centers
Teachers provide a stimulating environment through learning centers.  A combination of self-directed and teacher-directed activities will be provided for practice with the skills previously taught. Emphasis is placed upon each child’s individual development.
11:15-11:30 or 2:45-3:00 – Circle Time
It is a teacher directed activity in which the children participate as a group. This is where the day is reviewed and closed with prayer.
Hope Preschool’s educational policy is based on the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
Free and operates Monday through Friday in partnership with the Fond du Lac School District. No more than eighteen (18) children will be in a 4K class session.Â
Morning 4K: Starts at 8:20 a.m. and ends at 11:00 a.m.
For the 4K program, the child must be four years of age before September 1 and fully toilet trained. Hope Preschool will provide an optional 15 minute Christian education session daily at the end of each class.
4K Schedule
8:35-9:00 – Large Group Activity
This is where the day’s focus is established. It is a teacher directed activity in which the children participate as a group. Emphasis is placed upon maximizing each child's individual development.
9:00-9:20 – Music and Movement
Children interpret music through songs, musical games, and instruments or participate in activities to strengthen gross motor skills.
9:20-9:40 – Restroom Break, Snack, and Literacy Link
Emphasis is on language development. Activities include such things as reciting, chanting, or writing stories, poems, and finger plays.
9:40-11:15 - Learning Centers
Teachers provide a stimulating environment through learning centers. This time will provide a combination of self-directed and teacher-directed activities in areas such as language arts, science, social studies, math, art and dramatic play. Emphasis is placed upon each child’s individual development.
11:15-11:30 – Christian Education (optional)
Teacher directed activity to learn about Jesus and all He does for us.
11:15-11:30 – Dismissal
We use the Fond du Lac School District’s 4 year-old kindergarten benchmarks.
Child Guidance Hope Lutheran Preschool’s policy provides for positive guidance, redirection, and clear-cut limits for children. It is designed to help a child develop self-control, self-esteem, and respect for the rights of others. Teachers will facilitate this policy by defining safe and appropriate behaviors, modeling them, and encouraging expected behaviors when observed.